Improvements to Green Up Your Home

The best place to get started living a green lifestyle is right at home. We all feel a responsibility to manage our natural resources. And we are all concerned as to how our children are going to live on after us with an earth they can continue to enjoy.

Many people think that it is costly to go green but it really depends on how you look at the situation. Although it may take a little time to reap the benefits of green living, your health, well-being, and financial savings in the long run make it well worth it.

Have you been thinking of making changes around your home but don’t know where to begin or simply have not found the time? Perhaps you should consider making a few improvements that will make your home more energy efficient before you take on any other home improvement project and get the green stamp-of-approval from the government.

You probably have heard that the government offers incentives and tax breaks for those who choose to turn their home into an energy efficient environment. This is the way the government rewards your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint.

Going green takes time and therefore requires patience. So rather than expecting to obtain immediate results, one needs to understand that changing to a green lifestyle is an investment in the future of people and the earth as well.

Following are some practical tips on home improvement that will save you money and improve your home.


Install ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are more than exquisite décor to change the ambiance in a room. Their function goes beyond adding beauty. Fans help circulate the air, which not only makes you feel refreshed, but also helps lower the temperature during hot summer days. So when it’s sizzling hot outside, simply turn on the fan to feel the cool air. No matter the season, a fan makes you feel refreshed with cool air. During the summer, it circulates air within the room, helping to lower the temperature. In the winter, it can move warm air around the room to avoid cold corners and floors.


Buy energy efficient appliances

These are those appliances with the “Energy Star” label. On the label you’ll find how much you can save on a yearly basis if you use that product. For example, an Energy Star washing machine or a dishwasher saves you twice because it uses less energy and less water. If your appliances are 12 years old or older, consider making the investment.


Install solar panels

The roof absorbs the heat from the sun all day long, so why not put it to good use? The panels don’t need to take away from the aesthetics of your residence. In fact, they can be installed on the south side of your home. There are a variety of solar panels available. Check with various local companies that provide installation and maintenance. Do a bit of research on Google to learn more about the benefits of installing these in your existing or new home. Speak to a knowledgeable professional and homeowners who have already installed solar panels in their home. Depending on the price of your panel installation, you can begin to see savings in a few months and recoup the money you paid in a few years.

So what else can you do around your home to increase energy efficiency? I recommend an energy audit to see where the gaps are. Use the ideas above to begin making small changes that can start producing results right away and improve your home life for the better!