One of the toughest decisions most builders and homeowners must make is the selection of brick and stone. We think it’s the toughest since it is so permanent—you only have one chance to get it right! It was a difficult decision for our owner and his wife when they built their home. We must consider how the brick is going to look with the mortar color, the stone color (if any), the roof color, and the trim color.
Step 1: Choose the Color
Our brick color choices include brown, grey, white, and a mixture of all of these three colors!
Step 2: Choose the Size
The size styles include king, Big John, queen, and modular. In Texas, king brick is the industry standard. Do you like your brick one-color or multi-colored? Do you like sharp crisp edges or rounded edges? Do you like a contemporary look, a traditional look, or an old-world look that makes it look like your home was built a hundred years ago?
Step 3: Choose a Mortar Color
Your options are grey, buff, white, and a colored mortar such as brown or black. Mortar color makes a huge difference in how the brick will look once it’s up on the house. Decide how the mortar will be applied. Will it be narrow, indented mortar joints between the brick or flush mortar joints? Will all the mortar be cleaned off the brick or will some of it be left on the brick to make it look older? Will the mortar be smeared across the face of the brick so that just a little of the brick color is seen from the street?
Step 4: Choose a Stone Color
After your brick color, mortar color, and mortar application have been decided, next comes the stone color. Would you prefer the stone to blend in with the brick or be totally opposite of the brick? Would you prefer the stone to be the focal point of your front elevation or the brick?
Step 5: Choose the Roof and Trim Colors
The final step is putting all the veneer colors together with your roof and trim color. This can only be done by seeing a combination on a house that is already completed or by laying up a field sample on the house before all the brick and stone are delivered. We will not ship any material until a customer has seen it on a completed house or at the very least a 4 x 4 field sample.
At Packer Brick Inc, our expert staff is available to help guide you through the decision-making process so that you pick a brick that best reflects your individual taste. That’s why our motto is “Custom Brick and Stone for Custom Homes.”
Contact us today to get started!
Located in Garland, TX, Packer Brick Inc specializes in brick, stone, and masonry products. Personalized customer service. Outdoor Brick Park showplace on-site open 24 hours. Delivery is available. Call or text us today.
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